NTA Facebook Live event with Paul C. Tijerina

anything I can do to help empower others, I’m all for!  I’m an open book, if you have any questions, feel free to contact and connect with us in whatever way makes sense for you.

here’s what I have for you in this post – a ton of mind-blowing information!

  1. the NTA Facebook Live video (should be above this text).
  2. list of all the questions asked with resources mentioned.
  3. for those of you who are aspiring practitioners looking to tap into the power of groups and the workplace, at the end of this post is an opt-in for a special video and downloadable PDF that will guide you through the class I taught at my NTA course!

what’s your most popular topics during your speaking engagements?

  • it’s hard to say what my most popular topics are, because we cover and teach so much!  honestly people just need the basics which in  my professional opinion would equate to what we could call OUR foundations – real food, functional fitness, circadian rhythms, grounding outdoors, meditation & mindfulness, and cultivating community.
  • based on feedback, my most popular tend to be the more in-depth topics:
    • I have a class called Ancestral Wisdom where we take an evolutionary approach to all our different foundations and elaborate.
    • next would be our cholesterol class titled I’ll Feel Freakin’ Amazing and my Cholesterol Went Up!
    • Fermentation would be a really popular one, because it’s hand-on and we teach people how to ferment anything.  in class we make kimchi, sauerkraut, and kombucha.
    • also, anything related to fat-burning.
  • we have so many class topics it’s ridiculous.  in fact, I can put a class together on just about any topic related to health if I don’t already have it.

what is the most challenge you face day to day, working in your field?

I don’t experience many things that I would consider challenges!  because I freakin’ love this entire journey!  my most difficult clients are my most rewarding learning opportunities.  so I would say, there is no failure only feedback.  but to try to address your question, I think my biggest challenge is this – teaching people the right information is easy.  getting them to do it can be challenging.  because then you’re working with habits, emotions, conditioning, and so on.  in that sense, getting people to change their habits and their programming is challenging.  and at the same time, every time you have a breakthrough with someone, you can use that wisdom for your next client!

what supplements you use personally or have suggested to clients for improved athletic performance as well as athletic recovery.

  • if you don’t each cheese on a daily basis, I would take a K2 supplement such as this one.  as we should all know, K2 is what we THINK may be what Dr. Price called Activator X.  not totally sure, but we do know it plays many important roles inside the body, one of which is orchestrating where specific nutrients go.  the best resource on this topic is here.
  • I recommend bone stock daily and/or making sure you get some good collagen such as this.  bone stock and collagen are great for many reasons.  for athletes specifically, rebuilding joints and connective tissue.
  • something to support the anti-inflammatory pathways that has EPA & DHA.  you can try this fermented cod liver oil.  we’ve also been experimenting with Rosita.
  • I recommend taking Iodine in some form.  if you eat seafood regularly great.  if you don’t, I would take something like this daily.
  • everyone will benefit from supplemental magnesium.  I would recommend starting at 200mg per day, bumping your way up slowly until you notice loose stools.  most people tolerate 400-600mg easily.

which essential oils do you like for athletic recovery?

how does NTA address Systemic Candida/Mold issues?

in the NTP / NTC course you learn a lot about digestion, small intestine, and large intestine function.  you will also learn protocols for dealing with candida and dysbiosis.  Biotics Research also has great supplements for working with it.

can you share how much you use the Nutri-Q and functional eval in your practice *ongoing*?

  • in my early years, I only saw private clients.  private clients is where you get most of your learning from.  you’re working with individuals, and so you are able to spend a lot of time researching specifics and working with specific recommendations.  private clients are CRUCIAL for developing your wisdom, especially early on.
  • in my private practice, I used the Functional Evaluation RELIGIOUSLY.  people need to be touched, and they need to learn to connect their body with nutrients and how they feel.  now that I do so much more group stuff, I do less of the FE, but I still use it with my private clients.
  • in my private practice and in my group settings, I always use the symptom analysis.  always. it’s a great tool to measure progress with.

how was the workload if you’re working full time? book reports, essays, reading, projects, etc?

if I remember correctly, I was able to spend 2 to 4 hours a day on reading and homework.  very manageable with other obligations.

I’m interested in receiving more information, coaching, how I can learn more and explore a career similar to what you do.

  • start with yourself.  learn and experiment on yourself to get a foundation for feeling amazing.  that HAS to be the beginning.  you must be a leader, you must lead by example.  a great place to start is obviously the NTA, and also doing a lot of reading and learning.
  • after experimenting with yourself, and learning thru programs such as the NTA, you’ll have the confidence to work with others.
  • as far as your personal path, I truly believe it will present itself to you as you learn, as you get better personally, and as you get others better.  it’s difficult from the beginning to have any idea where your path will take you, because it will unfold as you gain wisdom and experience.  I had no idea I’d be where I am today.  I have no idea where I will be next year.  what’s important is I feel amazing, I’m focused on helping others feel amazing, and I’m open and flexible to opportunities to expand this.

do you recommend having 1-on-1 clients before the group session?

YES.  you must.  you must gain the wisdom, knowledge, and experience from working with individuals FIRST.  private clients are where you will do most of your learning.  the group setting is where you can take your learnings and “teach” the consistencies.

what is the difference between the NTP and NTC programs?

the 9-month, 15-module NTC course includes the same core curriculum as the Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP) Program, but without the hands-on Functional Evaluation and Lingual-Neural Testing skills. the NTC program is ideal for healthcare practitioners who already use other modalities to evaluate the body, those interested in working primarily with food, diet, and lifestyle recommendations, and practitioners who will be working with distance clients via phone, email, and video conferencing. the NTC program also affords students the flexibility of acquiring NTP certification in two parts: one can first complete the NTC program and then later take the “Functional Assessment Development” (FAD) program to gain NTP certification.

about states, licensing, certifications, and your responsibilities.

I would first check out this site http://nutritionadvocacy.org/, and then always consult the NTA about how they can support you in your efforts.  they are amazing.

what were your instructors like?

amazing.  experienced.  knowledgeable.  wise.  and compassionate.  they were great.  exactly what I would want from a teacher and mentor.  very well chosen :)

what was your workshop weekend like?

they were great.  this is where we did a lot of our bonding as a class, and really got to hone our client consultation skills.  if you do the NTP program, this is where you get a lot of your hands-on experience.  look forward to these weekends because they are GREAT.

what are your top 3 books after NTA graduation?

here are some of my top picks, somewhat foundational in understanding a general view of real food and health, and then a couple more, specific ones.

for general knowledge:

  1. The Paleo Solution (for Paleo).
  2. The Primal BluePrint (for Primal).
  3. Nutrition and Physical Degeneration and Nourishing Traditions (for Weston A. Price).
  4. The Perfect Health Diet.
  5. How to Eat, Move, and be Healthy (Paul Chek).
  6. Death by Food Pyramid (bashing conventional wisdom).

for more specific and advanced learning, my favs:

  1. Gut And Psychology Syndrome (GAPS).
  2. Keto Clarity.
  3. The Autoimmune Solution.
  4. The Complete Guide to Fasting.

what podcasts are you currently following/listening?

I’ve cycled in and out of HUNDREDS.  here are my top picks in this moment, which change.  also, we are coming out with a podcast :)

please remember to sign up for my Tapping Into the Workplace video and PDF below.   this is information I typically do not share, and it can completely change the way you do business.  you’ll also be subscribed to our newsletter, blog, and upcoming podcast, which is ONLY filled with empowering information.

thank you so much for this opportunity!!!

Paul C. Tijerina

Author Paul C. Tijerina

Paul C. Tijerina | BS MFT CPT NLP | Nutritional Therapist & ATAVIST Life Coach

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