Paul C. Tijerina

– the story –

this is your ticket to FREEDOM.

learn the truth about food, fitness, and health, and awaken the true YOU that has always been there. rediscover how you were meant to live


connect with Paul Tijerina. stay up-to-date through social media such as Facebook and Instagram, OR contact him directly with questions and inquiries about his various services.


if what you’re doing isn’t working.  if you’re still tired, can’t lose weight, or have other unresolved symptoms, you have to consider the possibility, however unlikely, that what you think is healthy, isn’t. find out what is.


SuperHuman Transformation real food. functional fitness. lifestyle factors such as sleep and sun exposure. personal development using mindfulness practices. an 8-week progression designed to put you on the path towards optimal health and vibrancy.

Recommended Functional Fitness Facilities

Other Recommended Cohorts

Paul C. Tijerina

Nutritional Therapist
SuperHuman Life Coach

As a passionate, driven, U.S Military Academy West Point Grad, Army Master Fitness Trainer, Nutritional Therapist, Certified Health Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, Neuro Linguistic Programming Master Practitioner, and SuperHuman Life Coach, Paul C. Tijerina’s goal is to EDUCATE and EMPOWER PEOPLE on real food principles, and lifestyle factors crucial for optimal health.

In his private and public practices, he furnishes holistic nutrition and lifestyle information and provides recommendations and advice concerning holistic nutrition. He also provides guidance on functional fitness modalities, dietary supplements, essential oils, adjunct therapies, and implementation of certain lifestyle factors crucial for optimal health. He empowers through education, gives experiential knowledge by walking his client and challengees through his progressions, and he supports with his support staff and community.

Paul C. Tijerina’s mission

is to empower as many people as possible with the ultimate goal of getting people to experience true freedom. Freedom that allows them to experience life as they were meant to live – with energy, vibrancy, clarity, purpose, and with the ability to dream again. This mission is accomplished with education (empowerment), and support (community).


The foundational principles used include:

  • holistic, real food
  • functional fitness
  • circadian rhythms (sun exposure, sleep patterns)
  • grounding / earthing
  • mindfulness & meditation practices • cultivating community

our mission focus:

  • empowerment through education.
  • experiential knowledge through our services.
  • ongoing support through our headquarters and our community.

Their community motto? Empower the Planet #empowertheplanet

Paul C. Tijerina’s vision

is a worldwide community of pockets of SuperHumans and empowered people, with a central support system that communicates updates and support information. Everyone is connected with one common purpose, which is to Empower the Planet, and everyone is supported through community events, gatherings, and technology such as social media and applications. As the movement grows, and as people become more passionate about this way of living, there will be leaders in more specific specialties.

U.S. Military Academy from West Point graduate

  • Army Master Fitness Trainer (MFT)
  • Expert Nutrition Advisor for military units

Nutritional Therapy Association

  • Certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner (NTP)
  • Certified Healing Foods Specialist

Alternative Cancer Therapies

  • Gerson Therapy protocol home study (extensive home study program)

expert in therapeutic and real food methodologies such as:

  • Paleo
  • Primal
  • Weston A. Price
  • Gut And Psychology Syndrome (gut healing protocol for damaged and inflamed guts)
  • Perfect Health Diet
  • Paul Chek
  • ketogenic
  • low carb

Certified Personal Trainer through National Academy of Sports Medicine (CPT)

CrossFit trainer for The CrossFit Combine

Master Practitioner of Neural Linguistic Programming (NLP) certified through the Tad James Co.

local experience – local seminars, workshops and challenges:

  • Whole Foods, Town Square
  • Whole Foods, Henderson
  • Whole Foods, Lake Mead
  • The CrossFit Combine
  • Kaizen CrossFit
  • This Is CrossFit
  • PFC CrossFit
  • Inferno Hot Pilates
  • Camp Fit Force
  • Faith Lutheran School

services for high risk members

we could easily target services for members or staff we feel need the extra support based on current health status including physiological, mental, emotional, and stress health. these high risk members may included (but are not limited to):

  • key executives and managers
  • members with erratic or stressful work hours • members with specific conditions

seminars seminars are a powerful way to communicate general information to a large group. seminars available include (but are not limited to):

  • Intro to ME and POWERED by REAL FOOD
  • How to Assess Food (my Five Food Groups)
  • Training the Body for Self Sufficiency
  • Ancestral Wisdom
  • All About Food Quality

SuperHuman Transformation 10-week progression

by far my most powerful progression and what I typically recommend when possible. in this progression we learn about and make modifications to:

  • nutrition / diet
  • lifestyle factors such as sleep, sun exposure, hydration, and grounding
  • personal process including mindfulness and meditation practices

SuperHuman Transformation “foundations” program the key points of the entire 10-week SuperHuman Transformation condensed into 3 hours.


  • nutrition counseling
  • low-carb
  • ketogenic
  • autoimmune
  • Gut And Psychology Syndrome


  • sleep coaching
  • stress coaching


  • hypnosis
  • timeline therapy
  • addiction interventions
  • goal setting
  • meditation / mindfulness