after only a short 10 weeks, not only does Desiree FEEL good. physiologically, she IS good. not to mention, she LOOKS good.
subjectively, Desiree would describe some of the shifts:
• no longer dairy intolerant
• increased and consistent energy levels
• improved sleep
• improved relations with her family
• her kids behavior improved (#SuperHumanJrs)
• skyrocketed strength and performance at The CrossFit Combine
objectively through symptoms, she noticed, or we can see through her graph:
• strengthened digestion
• improved fatty acid balance
• improved vitamin and mineral balance
• symptoms of blood sugar dysregulation almost completely gone
• adrenal function dramatically improved
• symptoms of ulcerative colitis GONE
• medications for mood disorders, anxiety, and depression, GONE
• and so much more.
so again, not only does Desiree FEEL good. physiologically, she IS good. as an added bonus, she LOOKS good. all this adds up to Desiree being HEALTHY AS HELL.
Desiree and her husband Richard are 2 badass, dedicated adults. combined with their children, they are the ultimate testament to what real food can do to a family – energetic, playful, curious, inquisitive, well-behaved, loving, and supportive. and adorable. AND I FREAKIN LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF THEM. this entire family is one of the core, foundational families of our SuperHuman team.
writing about Desiree makes me tear up. seeing her come in to workout at The CrossFit Combine, her face is radiant, she’s always smiling, she looks absolutely gorgeous and amazing, she’s performing like a freakin beastette (check out her rope climb here http://on.fb.me/1BurJ03). . . it just makes me so damn happy to see her and her family doing so well.
this is not just about better food. it’s about a better life. when you combine real food with important lifestyle factors such as sleep, sun exposure, grounding, mindfulness & mediation, and a top notch functional fitness program like the one at The Crossfit Combine, ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE.
join us for the biggest and best version of the SuperHuman Transformation on Jan 3rd – SHT2.0. details and signup here http://combinefitnesscrossfit.com/2015-combined-challenge/
— with Desiree DeStefano-Cuevas at ATAVIST Nutrition.