FAQ'sReal Food & NutritionVideos knives, cookware, and containers knives, cookware, and containers download our nifty checklist here, and then go thru this post for specific product…Paul C. TijerinaMay 6, 2018
FAQ'sReal Food & Nutrition chocolate it’s good for you! chocolate it's good for you! I came across this article this morning which got me excited to write this…Paul C. TijerinaApril 26, 2018
Grounding & EarthingOutdoors & NatureVideos a brief overview of grounding, hiking, camping, and being outdoors a brief overview of grounding, hiking, camping, and being outdoors all of our foundations are important! holistic, real food (body)…Paul C. TijerinaApril 24, 2018
Classes & ProgramsReal Food & Nutrition SHT Purist & Fat Loss SHT Purist & Fat Loss this is a 6-week real food progression, designed to bring you back…Paul C. TijerinaApril 24, 2018
Meditation & MindfulnessPriming & Practice (morning process) our priming & practice morning process our priming & practice morning process follow this process and let the magic happen: block out 15min of…Paul C. TijerinaApril 20, 2018
Circadian Rhythms (sleep)communityGrounding & Earthing how often should you get outside? how often should you get outside? you hear us talk about it all the time. how unbelievably important…Paul C. TijerinaApril 10, 2018