having a morning process is CRUCIAL to creating the life of your dreams. block out some time, commit…
this is a guided SuperHuman Priming called finding your breath, where we help you find the specific aspect of the…

from the one and only, the supportive, selfless, and beautiful Sonja Spears! dinner tonight was super yummy! a take…

every now and then something comes along that completely changes the direction of your life. for many of…

seriously, this has been a proven protocol for blasting away any hint of an oncoming sickness: 5 x…

caught another amazing sunrise with my main professional squeeze (Desiree’). sitting there together, watching the beginning of a…

expressing gratitude is one of the most reliable ways to boost your emotional well-being, and interconnectedness with others….

you are stronger than you know. you are already more powerful than you realize. you have the ability…

we’ve received a TON of questions lately from SuperHumans in the community struggling. when I receive multiple “clues,”…